Project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region | CCM

Project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region

This project is completely focused on the potential and existing women entrepreneurs and will provide the necessary support for them to strengthen their business skills as well as additional technical help and support for the women so that they can develop and expand micro and small businesses in the cross-border region between Polog in Macedonia and Elbasan in Albania.

The necessary plans will be made for building up of the capacities of the women entrepreneurs in three areas:

1. Building up of skills and capabilities of the potential entrepreneurs for starting their own business/

2. Improvement of the production and profit for the existing micro-    enterprises and organizing of the support for building up of the capacities of the companies connected with the production of new products, improvement of the sales and trade, networking and B2B meetings.

3. Revising of the policies for development of the micro-enterprises and support of the women entrepreneurship

Period 01.04.2018 - 30.09.2020

Donor: Delegation of the European Union

Project beneficiary: Potential and existing women-entrepreneurs in the regions of Polog and Elbasan.

Main goal:

The project will increase the competitiveness of the women and will strengthen the women entrepreneurship in the regions of Polog and Elbaan and will also provide sustainable solutions for development of micro and small businesses of women in the cross-border region.

Under this main goal there are 4 specific goals:

Goal 1: To increase the personal entrepreneurship skills and business competencies of the women included in the formal and non-formal businesses.

Goal 2: To provide services for legal support in the business department

Goal 3: To improve the production, the access to market possibilities and opportunities for development of the businesses and to increase the cross-border cooperation.

Goal 4: To improve/revise the government measures and policies for local and national support for women entrepreneurship.

Expected results:

Based upon the suggested goals and activities envisaged by the project, 5 main results are expected;

Result 1: Improved skills and competencies in the business management, reducing of the risks in the work and strengthening of the entrepreneurship positions and business capabilities.

Result 2: Established counselling services for the women entrepreneurs in order to increase the economic activities and the business development

Result 3: Disseminated services for legal and economic support and provided information for the rights and commitments of the entrepreneurs, as well as individual counsels for different legal and economic issues.

Result 4: Increased economic activity in the production, trade and selling of local products because of an increased number of product, improvement of the design of products, packaging, cross-border cooperation and/or online shop and marketing.

Result 5: Prepared new policy papers and measures for joint activity of the local and national government to use the advantages of the women in business.

The project is financed by the European Union

Project gallery

Three videos for women entrepreneurs were filmed in Elbasan, Albania

Donation action - donated equipment for protection from Covid 19

Business planning training for women entrepreneurs

Third and fourth business meeting with women entrepreneurs from Polog region

Training for development of promotional communication plan, financial plan and development of real business plan

Fruitful discussion and development of plans for future investments are part of the second business meeting with women entrepreneurs from the Polog region

Technical consulting for business - market research and the logic of the profit

Business planning for start-ups in full capacity!

Second promotion of the Project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region, in Gostivar

Fruitfull meetings with CCIS as Albanian partner on cross-border project and project implementers for business and investment planning

Civil society resource center - Gostivar Business sessions and interviews for establishing the needs for training and development

Business sessions andinterviews with women who want to establish business and women entrepreneurs who have already established their micro-enterprise

Meeting of the project team in Podgorec, Albania

In Tetovo, was promoted the project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region

The project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region, was promoted in Gostivar

Women business talks


Handmade traditional clothing: Hanife Hoxha - Elbasan, Albania More

Hanife Hoxha, a woman from Elbasan, Albania, who preserves the tradition by making traditional hand-embroidered clothes.

Sajgija restaurant- Gostivar

The restaurant Saigija is another successful business story realized in the conditions of Covid 19. With the support of the "Microenterprise development project owned by women in the cross-border region", the restaurant Saigia used its many years of experience in preparing traditional dishes and started production and home-made sale of: ajvar, pindzur and ketchup.

Elvira Fetahu- FIRMA EL

Elvira Fetahu - an entrepreneur who, together with her sisters, runs a successful company, founded by their mother in 1991 in Elbasan, Albania. 

Elsa Gega - representative of the Macedonian brand Duki Daso in Albania

Elsa Gega - woman entrepreneur from Elbasan, representative for the Macedonian brand Duki Daso in Albania.

Successful example of cross-border business cooperation between RSM and the Republic of Albania.

She is part of the marketing campaign within the Project for development of micro enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region.

Marta Pejoska - Making filigree and silver jewelry

Marta Pejoska from Ohrid is part of the marketing campaign within the project for Development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region. She is professionally dedicated to designing and making silver jewelry. The main technique in which he works is the filigree technique. Filigree as part of the Macedonian cultural heritage is what makes it even more special for her and through her work she contributes to its protection.

Angela Petrushevska- AZUR- MA

Angela Petrushevska is successful female entrepreneur in the company AZUR-MA, which is a family business and in the past 3 years builds a recognizable brand in the region. The company produces natural soaps from natural raw materials, containing honey and goat milk. The production is expanded with laundry soaps, grounded for laundering by hand and machine and in coarse condition. All raw materials that are used in the production are purchased from the rural areas in the Republic of North Macedonia. Angela is part of the marketing campaign within the project for Development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region.

Video retrospective of the "Project development of microenterprises owned by women in the cross border area"

The video is a short summary of all activities so far and results achieved within the project, but also the challenges that were successfully overcome.

Promotional video for the online platform

Promotional video for the online platform
On the platform you can find a wide range of products and services made by women entrepreneurs. The order is made online, and the delivery is made directly to the customer. Purchasing from the online store you can directly contribute to the development of women's entrepreneurship.

CUP donated protective equipment from Covid-19 in the Municipality of Tetovo made by women entrepreneurs

CUP together with the partner organizations in the Municipality of Tetovo, donated equipment for protection from Covid-19 which includes 4800 protective face masks, 625 visors and 550 antibacterial organic soaps. All equipment is made by women entrepreneurs from the region of Polog and Elbasan who are involved in the project "Development of micro-enterprises of women in the cross-border area" funded by the European Union.

Empowering women enterprenuership

Strengthening women's entrepreneurship and providing sustainable solutions for the development of women's micro and small businesses is very important to harness the potential of women. It is especially important to work in rural areas and border regions, where women do not have enough support to encourage and start a business.

Such activities should increase the personal entrepreneurial skills and business competencies of women involved in formal or informal businesses. To provide legal support services in business operations. Improve production, access to market opportunities and business development opportunities and increase cross-border cooperation. Improve and revise government measures and policies for local and national support for women entrepreneurship.

All these issues are discussed on the topic by Jasna Pajkovska - Project Manager at the Center for Change Management and Martin Sopronov - Program Coordinator at the Institute for Human Rights

CUP joined the fight against COVID 19

The Center for Change Management through the project "Development of micro-enterprises for women in the cross-border region" got involved in the fight against the new virus COVID 19 and mitigating its consequences.

In order to help the endangered groups of citizens and health workers in both regions, but also to strengthen the capacities for production and sale of women entrepreneurs who are part of the project, CCM and partners implementing this project have allocated funds for the production of 9,600 protections. face masks, 1,250 3D visors and 1,100 antibacterial soaps. All products that will be made by the companies that are part of this action will be donated to the healthcare institutions, the police and the risk groups of citizens. 

With this action, we make a great contribution to the protection of the citizens and the prevention of the virus, as well as the financial support of the companies involved in the action. We directly affect their liquidity in this period when there is a significant decline in the business sector.

CCM always strives to turn the changes in the society into positive results, so in a time when we are facing a great challenge, we will respond with our support. CUP will continue to mobilize available resources in the future and will take steps to help the most vulnerable categories in the face of this disaster, because every small contribution is of great importance to the community

Maja Kiroska - an example of a successful woman entrepreneur whose social framework did not present any obstacle on the road to success


Maja Kiroska - an example of a successful woman entrepreneur whose social framework did not present any obstacle on the road to success.


The video was prepared as part of a "Project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region", in order to encourage and encourage other women who have the desire and potential to develop their own business and to do what they really want.

Business planning training for women entrepreneurs

Through practical exercises and interactive trainings over 40 women in the MK / AL cross-border region have mastered the techniques of developing business plans and upgraded their knowledge of starting their own business and promoting it. As a result of the trainings, betterr connectivity of women from the cross-border region was made possible and increased the possibility for their future cooperation.

Business planning training for women entrepreneurs

Through practical exercises and interactive trainings over 40 women in the MK / AL cross-border region have mastered the techniques of developing business plans and upgraded their knowledge of starting their own business and promoting it. As a result of the trainings, betterr connectivity of women from the cross-border region was made possible and increased the possibility for their future cooperation.

Krijojmë një të ardhme të përbashkët

Creating a Common Future

Një ngjarje të rëndësishme promovuese !

Organizojmë një ngjarje të rëndësishme promovuese për projektet e mbështetura në programin e bashkëpunimit ndërkufitar midis Republikës së Maqedonisësë Veriut dhe Republikës së Shqipërisë. Programi financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian në vlerë totale prej 3 milion euro. Veprimtaria synon promovimin dhe avancimin e turizmit në rajonin ndërkufitar. Ajo do të organizohet më 10 korrik 2019 në Ohër dhe do të zhvillohet në disa vende që ofrojnë përmbajtje më të larmishme. Hapja zyrtare dhe konferenca do të bëhen në Hotel Nova Riviera, duke filluar nga ora 10.30. Hapja e Qendrës së Shpëtimit në Kryqin e Kuq në orën 11.30. E gjithë ngjarja do të shoqërohet me ekspozita të projekteve - 9 projekte të mbështetura dhe më shumë se 30 organizata që marrin pjesë në program. Urdhëroni në Ohër më 10 korrik!

Голем промотивен настан

Организираме голем промотивен настан на проектите поддржани во рамки на програмата за прекугранична соработка помеѓу Република Северна Македонија и Република Албанија.

Деловна средба за вмрежување на жени претприемачки од Полог и Елбасан

На женското претприемништво од регионите на Полог од македонска страна и Елбасан од албанска страна, му е потребен дополнителен поттик. Токму затоа, Центарот за управување со промени - ЦУП во соработка со Центарот за компаративни и меѓународни студии од Тирана, Институтот за човекови права и Фондацијата „Егалите“ одлучија да реализираат едно поинакво одбележување на Меѓународниот ден на жената – 8ми март, односно да спроведат деловна средба за вмрежување на бизнис жени од регионите на Полог и Елбасан. Целта на средбата, која се одржa од 08 до 09 март 2019 во Охрид, беше преку претставување на компаниите од регионите на Полог и Елбасан и споделување на искуствата на бизнис жените од овие два региона да се разгледаат можностите за нивно деловно поврзување и соработка во секторите во кои работат. Проектот за развој на микро-претпријатија на жени во прекуграничниот регион е финансиски поддржан од страна на Делегацијата на Европската Унија во Скопје.

Како од идеја до исплатлив бизнис?

Проектот за развој на микро-претпријатиja на жени во прекуграничната област претставува одлична можност за оние кои имаат некаква идеја, но не знаат како да започнат одреден бизнис.

Заинтересираните жени од Полошкиот регион, кои сакаат да научат како своите идеи да ги преточат во исплатлив бизнис, може да се пријават за следниот циклус на обуки во Центар за управување со промени - ЦУП / Center for Change Management на телефонскиот број 02/ 609 22 16.

Projekti për zhvillimin e mikro-ndërmarrjeve të grave në rajonin ndërkufitar paraqet mundësi të shkëlqyer për ata të cilat kanë ndonjë ide, por nuk dijnë se si të fillojnë një biznes të caktuar.

Gratë e interesuara nga rajoni i Pollogut, të cilat duan të mësojnë se si idetë ti shndërrojnë në një biznes të vlefshëm, mund të paraqiten për ciklin e rradhës së trajnimeve, te Qendra për menaxhimin me ndryshimet në numrin e telefonit: 02/ 609 22 16.

Во Тетово промовиран проектот за развој на микро-претпријатија на жени во прекугранична област

Проектот во целина се однесува на потенцијалните и постоечките жени претприемачи и ќе обезбеди неопходна поддршка за да ги зајакнат нивните деловни вештини и ќе обезбеди дополнителна техничка поддршка и помош на жените за да можат да ги развиваат и прошират микро и малите бизниси во прекуграничниот регион меѓу Полог на македонска и Елбасан на албанска страна.

Str.Mitropolit Teodosij Gologanov no.34a,
1000 Skopje, North Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 6092 216